Andika Jaya 🇮🇩

Software Engineer (Web Developer)

I love creating/exploring products that bring real value to people, and sometimes indulge in unique projects just for fun. I have a profound understanding of web development on the technical side.

Currently i'm work at Bali, hit the link in the bottom of this page if you want to do collaboration or project!


Menghitung waktu kerja dari gaji bulanan untuk membeli wishlist yang ada dihalaman e-commerce favorite kamu.

Sudah Cukup Belum - Chrome Extension (Local) preview

Create Hover Effect using GSAP

Hover Effect preview

A digital map for Denpasar (Bali) district only. Using OpenStreetMap and using indonesia-district data geojson. Soon will add some data or route service using to make it interactive.

Denpasar Map preview

Rebuild AWWWARDS Winning using GSAP - Inspired:

AkaruRebuild preview

